Predator Calls

Great Products for Hunting Dog owners, Predator Callers and Outdoor Folks

Great Products for Hunting Dog owners, Predator Callers and Outdoor Folks

  • I love this call. It has a heavy-duty reed and very forgiving mouthpiece which is great for howling and producing raspy sounds that predators find very enticing.
  • #1 Rated open reed production call. Great for rabbit distress, coyote vocalizations, doe bleats, ki-yi’s, squeaks, chirps and all high and low pitch sounds attractive to predators. This is CNC machined open reed call – It is not a plastic injection molded call but only costs a few dollars more than one. Treat yourself to this high quality, coyote killin’ machine. Lanyard included.
  • This is your chance to buy a proven Lion killing call. In 2008, Gary Keller from Michigan and I became the first predator callers in the world to call, kill and film a Mt. Lion on our DVD, Free Grass and No Fences. It was a special moment to say the least! The Big Cat Rattler, along with an FX3, produced by our friends and sponsors at Foxpro, brought in an 80 pound female for an unforgettable moment.
  • Just like our original Rattler, but higher pitched to be slightly more appealing to those high dollar bobcats, but, don’t worry…… coyotes and fox and all other predators love the sound this call produces as well. CNC machined, dual reed, patented coating. A bargain! Big time seller since we introduced it in the Winter of 2009. Lanyard included.
  • Top quality closed reed call perfect for beginners and experienced callers. Not as loud as our Rattlers but a nice, attractive pitch for all predators. CNC machined one at a time here in the United States. Lanyard included.
  • I think, well, I know this is the best made howler on the market. It is turned one at a time on a CNC machine, engraved and topped off with a reed of the “perfect” thickness for howling, other coyote vocalizations and antelope and deer bleats. This product is a “Tool” of the trade for windy days and times when extreme volume is needed. Most importantly, it is very “forgiving”, meaning it is easier to blow than many of the other howlers on the market. Some of them require so much air to blow that you see “stars” for several minutes after a few howls. Not this one. I am super proud of the design and functionality of this product. Once you pick it up you will immediately feel the quality of this product and appreciate the sounds it produces.
  • Many years ago John Bolen out of Illinois produced lanyards of superior quality. His competitors copied all of his designs and innovative thinking and sent them off to China to be produced with inferior cord. They eventually ran him out of business. I met a nice fella from Kentucky several years ago and asked him to produce a lanyard for me similar to what John made for me many, many years ago. Yes, they are more expensive than many on the market, but you’ll appreciate the design and quality if you give one of these a try.
  • The M-44 is one of our best selling calls. It is a polycarbonate with a heavy duty plastic reed and handles extremely cold temperatures better than any other closed reed call that I know of. It makes some terrific predator producing sounds if blow hard and erratically into it with both hands over the barrel and open and close them with you cadence of calling.
  • The best quality, loudest, superior sounding javelina call on the market. Two specially designed reeds, tuned to perfection produce an irresistibly sweet sound to javelina.
  • The #1 copied Predator Call in the U.S. by all of the “Big Boys” since I introduced it to the predator calling market in 2003. See for yourself why every major call manufacture copied our idea but “cheapened” it by using plastic or wood. This CNC machined aluminum call is turned one at a time using American labor and machinery and then a very expensive, patented coating is applied. This is the original, super raspy, dual reed call for big, open country. See why top coyote hunters and government boys use this on their call line. Great call for coyotes, greys, reds, and cats. Lanyard included.
  • As a grade school, then high school kid and college guy, I loved to bow hunt. I think successful bow hunters make great predator callers because they understand how import “playing” the wind is to your success. This is nice sounding grunt call that will attract those big rutting bucks.
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